SUNDAY, February 21,2021

12-4PM PST

Live online on Zoom

Recorded so you can watch the archives

"NO-RISK GUARANTEE: You have a money back guarantee! If you do the whole event and don't find great value in it we will refund all your money with no questions asked!"

This powerful seminar will assist you to: 

Come into conscious awareness of spiritual guidance, to make your choices from clarity

More easily recognize and avoid negative energies that may attempt to ensnare you in distraction and suffering

Bring forward guidance and direction to support yourself and others, to more easily navigate the challenges of life

Experience the joy of being one with God, finding oneness with others and the world around you

To embody and express divine loving, to be an instrument of higher purpose

This seminar includes an inspiring and rare spiritual seminar,  transformational sharings, a transformational exercise and a deep meditation. 


What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

"We have joyfully participated in almost every Awake To Love event over many years. We do so because Michael consistently shares rare and deeply profound esoteric information that is hard to come by! His sharings with participants are stunningly instructive and intuitive. Alisha also shares rare information as well as providing ways we can put into practice what is brought forward in class. The processes and meditations are deep and effective. There is also a lot of joy present. Most of all, we attend because, in the events, we tangibly experience the energy and love of Spirit and our own divinity in a direct, sacred way."

Drs. Ron & Mary Hulnick

University of Santa Monica

Alisha and Michael’s workshop was literally life-changing after just one class!  They gave practical suggestions for how we can speed up and ease up our spiritual evolution. My husband and I have put these into practice and have found ourselves astounded by what game-changers they have proven to be. ~Aubrie Woods 

I’ve been on my spiritual path since 1969. With this class Opening Your Spiritual Eyes, I’ve realized I’ve always been seeing with my spiritual eyes, I just didn’t realize it and wasn’t able to utilize this capacity/ability nearly as much in my ordinary life as I now am. Thank you for contributing in my awakening to my Self, our Self, to I Am  That I Am. ~Rama Fox 

 “Through participating in the series, every aspect of my life has been affected, transforming me into the presence of loving!  It has been a journey into divine understanding through experiential learning. Healing, expansion, clearing, grace and intimacy with Spirit are the hallmarks of each class.”~ Katy Kamen, Counselor, Awakening to the Divine Presence 

"I walked into the series miserable due to the burden of unreleased karmas and I am leaving light, uplifted and joyous in my day to day life! I came to the classes to gain more awareness of Spirit, and I received that in spades. Now I easily and consciously move into Spirit/Divine Unknowing and reside within the Loving when I choose. I was aided in releasing bottom-line karmas that kept me from further spiritual knowing. Now I walk with Jesus, J-R, and the Archangels daily”.~  S.J.S. 

“After participating in Michael and Alisha's series, I am elated that I can now almost instantly move into awareness of the heart of God! To say this has been transformative is to ridiculously minimize what I have experienced. My spiritual growth during this training astounded me, coalescing and transcending everything I’d consciously learned through my prior 36 years of studying. These classes remind me of my early days with J-R, nearly 40 years ago, when he generously spent time with me one-to-one. As a result of participating in these classes, I am finally consciously Soul traveling. Also In this class, Alisha guided me in framing a super-healing Archangel, Miahriel, who has since worked with me several times each day in healing my cancer. Alisha also guided me in creating a beautiful new and immensely rewarding relationship with my Basic Selves. If you have a chance to work with Michael and/or Alisha, my experience says to do it. I don’t think you can yet imagine the rewards.~ Stu Lichtman

“The Hayes’ classes allowed me to incorporate much of what J-R taught me personally over 43 years, when I was on staff and his doctor and lawyer. Every single class brought similar experiences to those I had in J-R’s presence. I am stronger in my conviction to myself, to Spirit within, and to my ministry. My work with the Hayes has been a continuum of J-R’s teachings and have taught me to work the dharma instead of eating the karma. The Hayes make it super clear that it is not their work, but J-R’s work and teachings that we follow. They often refer to John Morton as the present authority of the Traveler. My suggestion is to grab a seat in class before you have to wait in line.”


Sign up by Dec 20th and receive FREE access to one of our very favorite classes of 7 years and 100 classes! 

1. Opening to Higher God Consciousness: $250.00 value

2. Live Opening Your Spiritual Eyes: $150.00 

Total Value: $400.00

You get live class plus bonus class for ONLY $150.00